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Name: Paul Adair
Job Title: Collections Officer
What year did you join the Artbank team: 2018
Describe your role and what you enjoy about working for Artbank:
As a Collections Officer I contribute to the overall management of the Artbank collection to ensure the appropriate storage, conservation and display of artworks and objects from the collection. I also assist with international shipping, exporting Artbank artworks to ports all over the world.
Select an Artwork to represent you: #12658
#12658, Kenzee Patterson, amulet, 2010, Cast stainless steel and paint.
Short explanation of your artwork selection:
amulet is a cast stainless steel ice cream tub which has been painted with googly eyes. I often respond to humour and use of everyday objects in contemporary art. Particularly sculptural objects that refer to something other than themselves. Kenzee’s practice has a depth and rigour which accompanies an object’s sometimes slight presence, which I respect and admire.
Elizabeth Newman, Untitled, 2009, Wool, synthetic fabric, cotton, linen.