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Name: Natalie O’Connor
Job Title: Marketing and Communications Manager
What year did you join the Artbank team: 2018
Describe your role and what you enjoy about working for Artbank:
Artbank inserts art into the everyday! It is great to see contemporary Australian art taking up a much more personal space in the lives of the broader public. Placing artworks in office spaces, living rooms, hallways, foyers and all kinds of private and public spaces means people can encounter artworks in their everyday, rather than on the stuffy white walls of a gallery. It is great to be part of this process. My role as Communications Manager allows me to share all the wonderful stories from the Artbank collection.
The Artbank collection is uniquely Australian, growing and changing constantly and in many ways, commenting and reflecting on the issues of the time. It is a collection that has a great sense of humour and fun but is also not afraid to speak to confronting issues. I am particularly passionate about the beautiful and varied collection of works by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. It is incredible to work with such powerful and important artworks every day.
Select an Artwork to represent you:
A#14430, Elvis Richardson, Slide Show Land "Dorothy", 2005, Digital Type-C print
Short explanation of your artwork selection:
I have selected Elvis Richardson, Slide Show Land “Dorothy”, because…..those boots!
Elvis Richardson, Slide Show Land "Dorothy", 2005