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Name: Matthew James
Job Title: Collection Officer
What year did you join the Artbank team: 2015
Describe your role and what you enjoy about working for Artbank:
I work in the Artbank collection store and do most of the Artbank installs in Sydney. I look at the storage and installation of Artbank artworks to make sure they are safe and secure and can be enjoyed for generations to come. It is great to be a part of a team that supports Australia’s artists and arts industry
Select an Artwork to represent you:
#13524, Robert Pulie, W (version 3), 2012, Mirror, copper, brass bolts and cedar.
Short explanation of your artwork selection:
I really like this work because of its form and materials. I have always been interested in the idea of perception and this work has a great play on a true image. By having the mirrors in a “W” configuration there is not the reversal in the image like a flat mirrors shows. The work’s tasteful fixtures really evoke the idea of a vanity dresser, something we use to look at ourselves. The work becomes a point of self-reflection on more than one level… who doesn’t like a work where they can truly look at themselves!
Robert Pulie, W (version 3), 2012